


Directed by Prem Lalwani

I do believe that this may be the most accurate shark movie poster ever. Come on, they used a picture of their horrible model shark, rather than a vicious photograph of a real shark that looks nothing like what you see in the movie. You’ve got to respect that. And seeing as this is mostly about Jesu – the guy who takes up half of the poster – it makes sense that his picture is so big. The only thing is, I don’t remember him using a trident at anytime. Hmm.

Jesu and Peter grew up together. They are practically brothers. Now adults, Jesu is a big tough guy, a total boss: he takes on seven guys in a fight and wins, grips knives by their blades without even flinching (he was protecting a lady who was about to get raped at the time) and, just in case you were thinking he doesn’t have a soft side, adopts a young neglected orphan to raise as his own. What a great guy.

imagesHis friend Peter gets married to the beautiful Suzy. During their reception, he drinks way too much alcohol – people keep offering him their drinks (some kind of tradition?). Suzy gets Jesu to go and rescue him from all the men who keep plying him with booze and they make their escape. Suzy sings and runs away from her new husband playfully. Peter drunkenly follows her down to the beach. But while she strips down to her slip and goes in for a swim – all the while singing (this is Bollywood, after all) – he stays on the shore, watching her with adoration. Finally, the shark gets good and tired of Suzy’s singing and eats her whole. Yes, the shark is big enough that Suzy kind of just slides into it’s mouth. Peter doesn’t see his beloved bride get eaten, as he is passed out on the shore (why yes, this scene does sound awfully familiar).


At one point, the camera pans the waves and seemingly doesn’t notice the shark fin there, but wait! the camera quickly does a double take!

Jesu and Peter go out to sea to search for her. The shark rams their boat in true shark fashion (honestly, if I ever go out boating and see a shark and it doesn’t ram my boat, I will be so surprised) and Peter falls in. The shark gulps him down and sinks back below the surface.

Now Jesu is in total rampage avenger mode. Watch out, shark!

There’s another big player who I haven’t mentioned yet – Alphonso – a crime boss who runs the town. He has discovered an area where he can harvest black pearls from the ocean. Plus, he hates Jesu. He uses the shark as an excuse to stop people from going in the ocean so that he can go about his illegal business without anyone knowing.

images-1Aatank has a two hour running time, which is about an hour too long. But if you fast forward the five or six song and dance numbers, that should drop a good half hour or more from the movie and speed things up. The first shark attack is fifty three minutes in, but those sharkless minutes were actually pretty funny, what with all Jesu’s antics. The second half is better because of the shark attacks, but the non shark bits are more boring than they were in the first half – if that makes sense.

The ending is very entertaining. The shark attacks a helicopter, which blows up on impact. Jesu and his mates throw in a heap of barrels for the shark to grab onto and slow him down (once again, similar to Jaws) images-3 the shark drags them under the surface and they pop back up comically. Then Jesu slays the shark in a hilarious, unreal fashion. See the pics below if you don’t mind it being spoiled.Unknown

The shark looks terrible, yes. There is a ridiculous sound effect that sounds like a pterodactyl and plays almost every time that the shark is shown. Plus, the soundtrack is terrible. The songs are really not good – even for a Bollywood film. I didn’t mind the one that Suzy sang (maybe because it ended abruptly with her death?), but most of the others were about the women singing them and how attractive they are.

The acting was normal for a Bollywood flick: quite over the top but also often fun.

I love Bollywood and I love shark movies, so this should have been a match made in heaven. Sometimes, it was glorious. But most of the time, it wasn’t. I’m not really sure if it was supposed to be serious or not!

My rating: 3/5 fins

IMDb rating: 5.1/10



After all the barrels pop up, the shark leaps over the boat – yep, just like Free Willy –and Jesu stabs it with a spear, gutting the shark’s belly lengthways. The dead shark has ropes wrapped all over it from the barrels, and the villagers use them to drag the shark to shore.



Shark Week



Directed by Christoper Ray

7 Days, 7 Sharks, 1 Survivor

Do my eyes deceive me? A movie that follows a Saw-like template, with sharks? Could such a beautifully ridiculous movie possibly exist? The answer is yes.

So, there’s this guy, Tiberon. His criminal son was shot by the cops, nailed by the media, narced on my drug addicts, convicted by the legal system, let down by the medical system and betrayed by fellow drug dealers (not in that order) – obviously these people have to pay!

But how? When you are a rich, eccentric old man, how do you seek revenge on eight strangers? It seems that the blindingly obvious answer is to unwillingly enter them into a week long battle to the death . . . against sharks (on your own personal private island)!

images-7The first battle is in a pool outside the antagonists mansion, and involves all of the ‘contestants’ (oh, except that guy that got pushed in early for being too sassy – forget about him, he’s already dead). Their opponents are terrifying shark pups – picture a piranha style attack – but “they’re not dangerous, just bat ’em away!” One of these pups has a key around their neck that unlocks a tunnel out of the pool. They find it, travel out through the strange tunnel (it kind of looks like the inside of an anaconda), and emerge onto the greater part of the island.

I don’t want to spoil the whole movie, but just in case you were wondering how a group of people walking along a path in the centre of an island are even going to have an opportunity to fight a shark, let me assure you that there are ways. If you ever find yourself in this situation, watch your step. Because the earth is definitely going to give way beneath you and you will fall into a water filled cave that is home to a hammerhead shark. You have been warned.

images-8Now I shall leave you to wonder about the remaining six man vs. shark battles.

As far as acting goes, it really wasn’t that bad (not at all like Jurassic Shark, which was absolutely atrocious in that department). The guy who plays Tiberon is wonderfully crazy and over the top in a good way. The sadistic girlfriend is alright, too.

Oh, did I mention that the crazy couple are watching the contestants on a little television/computer every step of the way? Tiberon also talks to them (mostly to tell them fun shark facts), his voice is broadcast very clearly wherever they happen to be. I’m not sure what sort of cameras or speakers he has, or where he puts them, but they’re undeniably awesome (when you’re a true shark movie fan, you try not to think about this stuff too much – it ruins the film – but sometimes I can’t help it).


Okay, so the acting is a bit wooden. That’s nothing new in a made for TV movie. And yes, the CGI is bad. Sometimes in the middle of a fight, you may notice the actors attacking thin air rather than the fish! Nothing new there, either. I like an [accidental?] comedic element in a shark flick.


I’m just going to say it: this is my new favourite bad shark movie. It was hilarious and very watchable. All this reminiscing just makes me want to watch it again!

Trailer here

My Rating: 4/5 fins

IMDb Rating: 2.3/10

Tintorera: Killer Shark




Directed by René Cardona Jr.

There’s a monstrous killer churning up the sea . . .

I watched this a while ago, and have no desire to watch it again. So please forgive the vagueness.

Here’s what I remember: a lot of fish killing, a lot of topless women, some sleazy men, a bizarre three sided relationship, and not many shark attacks.

The two main guys are shark hunters or just plain underwater fishermen – something like that. They kill a LOT of sharks and other marine life on camera – and I mean they really kill it all. I felt literally sick seeing all these beautiful innocent creatures being slaughtered on camera for the sake of this horrible film. What a crappy movie to die for.


They both like the same chick, so they both become her lover. Well, they kind of become her unofficial husbands – oh yes, there are rings involved. But I believe that that was quite a way into the movie. First you have to sit through a lot of other rubbish.

The attack scenes, from memory, were actually pretty good. I seem to remember sharks and actors being in the same shot – in a realistic way, that is. But like I say, you have to put up with a lot to be rewarded with these few and far between scenes. Mind you, the main shark is shown a fair bit – prowling around at the the bottom of the ocean to this horrible soundtrack. Maybe there were more shark attacks than I remember, and the bad stuff overshadowed them in my memory . . . But I don’t think so.


Apparently there were several releases, with all these different lengths. I’m pretty sure I watched one of the longer edits (unfortunately), so maybe a shorter one would get to the point a lot faster. The version I watched was mostly in Spanish, without subtitles – I am infinitely grateful for this. I got my garbage fill from what I understood, thank you very much.

I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone – I know that I said that about Dark Waters too, but compared to this, that movie was fabulous.

Trailer here.

My Rating: 1/5 fins

IMDb rating: 3.8/10

Dark Waters


Directed by Phillip J. Roth

No Air. No Time. No Escape.

Here is a shark movie that I wouldn’t wish on anyone except for the most diehard of diehard shark fans. I do not recommend it at all. So here’s what I am going to do. I’m going to give a complete play by play of Dark Waters, in the hope that it will satisfy any curiosity you may have.

We open with some CGI sharks prowling around in a dark ocean. There’s an exciting musical score to go along with the credits. One of the sharks lunges at a boat from beneath and . . . End credits.

Now we’re on the Gulf of Mexico, at an oil transfer station. There’s two guys repairing something on the outside of the structure, on the ocean floor.  Something has attacked the building, and one of the guys is pretty worried. There’s a third guy inside, he’s looking at the radar (when he’s not watching porn, that is). There are five mini subs closing in on his mates. “If they weren’t in formation, I’d say they were great whites, or sperm whales.”

“Great whites?!” Says the scared guy. The other guy tells him to relax.

But you relaxed too soon, my friends, for they are indeed great whites. Let the shark attack commence! But the sharks don’t stop at just eating the two divers, they continue to ram the station until they break it open. The third guy inside dies from lack of oxygen.

Cut to a fundraising summit for Dr. Dane Quatrell’s ‘final phase in his ten year odyssey to discover Atlantis’. A woman introduces him to the audience. His rousing speech is as follows: “Ladies and Gentlemen. Atlantis. The last great adventure. A mystery, wrapped in an enigma, buried deep in the sea. A civilisation that exists somewhere between fantasy and reality. And now each of you can become part of the last great discovery of the millennium.”

So it turns out that the chick who introduced Dane (Robin) and the good doctor himself are a little bit on the desperate side. They have actors publicly pledging lots of money to them and sleep with rich people to get cheques for their research. But what’s this? The women that Dr. Quatrell have seduced are drugging him!

UnknownWhen he wakes up, he’s handcuffed on a speedboat. Some serious guys in black drop him images-1off at his dads old marine biology institute, where his partner in crime, Robin, is waiting. She found herself at the institute in similar circumstances.

A business suited man (Summerville) and woman show up and offer Dane and Robin a job. They have files on them and know all about their shady doings. There’s some sort of connection between Summerville and Dane’s father. Anyway, the job offer is dangerous, but too good to refuse.

Flashback from Dane’s childhood when some men killed his father.

Now they’re on a plane. Dane explains a bit about Summerville and his father.

They get into their submarine and head out to sea. The adventurous yet ominous musical score plays again. Queue a tense interaction between Dane and Summerville.

Uh-oh, there’s a big dead grey whale floating in the water. It has what appears to be a massive bite out of it. The crew discuss what to do and eventually just keep moving. Summerville obviously knows something, but hides it.

The sub makes it to it’s destination – the transfer station from the beginning – but only just, it’s at it’s maximum depth. A team go inside the station to check it out. One of the guys notes that two diving suits are missing. “They must have been outside when the attack occurred.” Dane questions why the man would use that word, Summerville is once again evasive. The man finds the third dead guy inside and grabs what they assume to be the surveillance tape. They go back onto the submarine and put on the tape. Of course, it turns out to be the porn that the guy was watching at the beginning. So it’s back into the station we go – more tense interaction between Summerville and Dane.

But there’s something approaching on the radar! Lets all go back to the submarine and check it out!

“What the hell is that?” Dane growls.

The ever helpful Robin (she’s a real know it all) says, “if you ask me, I’d say that’s a coordinated shark attack.”

Dane attacks Summerville and tells him he better start talking. But now’s not the time. The sub is in jeopardy, they need to do . . . stuff, so that it doesn’t . . . something (I’m not great at following that sort of thing – it goes right over my head). Anyway, there’s lots of yelling and rushing around – “It’ll take eight minutes!” “We don’t have eight minutes!” – that sort of thing. Now the sharks start ramming the sub. Summerville gets a fatal wound and dies in Danes arms, effectively cutting off his plot revealing sentence. The three remaining survivors – Dane, Robin and Miklos – make it back into the transfer station in the nick of time. The sub explodes from the shark attack.

Tension, angry tension. Then Miklos spills some interesting information about new CIA weapons and top secret black programs. Turns out Summerville had something to do with the original program – an operation codenamed Dark Waters (sorry that I’m not getting all the sub plot details spot on, guys).

Queue another flashback dream of Danes childhood. Dane wakes up, there’s low oxygen, he passes out. Then when they all wake up, they’re in a mini sub with people who tell them to shut up. When Robin wakes and asks where they are, Dane replies, “I don’t know, but were not dead, cause they aren’t angels.”

The three then get transferred onto a submarine and shoved into a cell. Apparently the submarine is very expensive and high tech and top secret and so Robin and Dane are convinced that they will not make it off alive. Miklos, ever the loyal navy boy, says that the U.S. military doesn’t execute anyone for security reasons. Dane says, “Really? Tell that to my dead father.”

There’s a scene with the sub captain – an actor who appears to be the missing Baldwin brother – that leads to another scene in a secret lab. There’s walkways over a pool, so you can see where this is going. Two guys talk about control problems and a glitch. Obviously, these are some of the guys who created the crazy sharks. Turns out there have been two hundred and eighty deaths. A cover thing is lifted from a giant aquarium and the men look in on two very massive, very docile sharks.  The head scientist guy yells that he wants this problem solved.

Jump to our three heroes, who manage to get Robin to escape from their cell through the roof.

When the captain figures out that the survivors from the station have been in contact with Summerville, he orders their deaths. We see Robin dazzling a military guy with her cleavage before beating him up and stealing his weapon.

Three buff guys go to the cell. One of them lies to Dane and Miklos about getting them to the surface. Meanwhile, Robin kills the two guys waiting outside the holding room and then the third guy when he comes out to investigate. Dane is angry that she killed them, but Miklos notices that they have silencers. “These aren’t marine issue, these guys are here to kill us, we gotta get outta here!”

images-2They find some uniforms and pretend to be escorting Robin (who is channelling Marilyn Monroe) around the sub. No one asks why there is some chick getting a tour of a top secret sub because they are under the spell of her cleavage. Anyway, two and two gets put together and everyone figures out that the two guys and girl that were walking freely around are actually the two guys and girl missing from the holding room (to be fair, the people who saw them walking around didn’t even know that there were people in the holding room, but still – why would a ditzy woman be getting a tour of a submerged sub, you know?).

Now there’s some running and gun shooting and our three find themselves near the shark tank. Dane says that they will have to swim for it, Miklos exclaims that this is not Seaworld and Dane tells him that the sharks are probably electronically sedated right now. He guarantees that they will be safe, Miklos guarantees that they will be an afternoon snack! Dane and Robin jump in, followed closely by Miklos. They swim through safely while the sharks completely ignore them.

Jump to the two scientists again. They talk about how after twenty seven years of research, the sharks still cannot be controlled in the open sea. D, R and Mik climb out of the pool and the head researcher tells everyone to get out. He stays in the sealed room with our three heroes and tell then lots of stuff about the research – which is basically using sharks as weapons.

images-3A group of marines work on breaking into the lab while D, R and M grab weapons and prepare for a shoot em up battle. Marines enter, shooting commences, the marines fall back. The captain doesn’t want any lethal force used because the doctor is still in there and it is a five hundred million dollar lab. The marines re-enter, more shooting commences, a marine falls into the shark pool, another marine catches Robin and holds a gun to her head, the doctor opens the steel doors that look into the shark tank and tell all the marines that any gun shots could break the glass. I think he also woke those sharks up because after getting everyone to put down their weapons, he releases them and one of the marines gets eaten when the shark leaps out of the water. Ooh, there’s another shark attack (terrible graphics). Someone shoots the doctor multiple times and then that main buff guy gets attacked by a shark and dragged into the pool.

Dying scene with the doctor, who turns out to be Danes father! He wasn’t killed, Dane, he was just taken to a submarine to do shark weapon research! What a relief. Another clearer flashback confirms this. Oh, and he also put a code into the computer that’s basically going to destroy the lab.

Dane, Robin and Miklos try to find a way to escape. Robin, who knows everything about everything, damages this vital door so that the sub can’t be sealed. They find a mini sub.

The captain and the other researcher discuss what to do, coming up with the idea to release the sharks and recapture them later. They’ve already transferred data, so all they have to do is rebuild the tank.

So the bad guys make their way to the lab, discover the broken door, get locked in, etc, etc. They try to get out but eventually the researcher sits in front of the glass door and claims that he is “getting a front row seat for the apocalypse.”

Meanwhile, the good guys are escaping in the mini sub. The sharks have sine been released. They are getting information on the mini sub screen about nearby sharks, but they don’t see anything!

The main sub is in serious trouble now and the captain is losing it. The researcher tells the captain that the dead doctor well and truly made sure that if he ever wanted his research gone, it would be gone. He cut some wire before he died and the whole sub is going down. The researcher is very calm, he sits back down if font of the tank as we see the glass cracking. Then it breaks open and the water rushes in, killing the researcher and a heap of trapped marines. The submarine blows up.

Back to the mini sub – they are getting rammed by sharks. They chew off the left engine and leave the good guys in – you guessed it – jeopardy! A torpedo launcher is discovered. The sharks chew off the oxygen tank. They release a torpedo, but Miklos (who I should have mentioned was knocked out from a head injury) wakes up and tells them that they only shoot at fixed targets. Dane soaks the blood off of Miklos’s head with Robin’s top (“You’re wearing a bra, just take [your top] off”) and they dangle it through the hatch to attract the sharks. Robin is waiting by the open hatch with a shotgun, ready to kill the shark. She shoots, she kills! The shark falls to the bottom of the ocean, blood pouring out of it, the remaining shark has a little gnaw. They turn the mini sub around and lock in on the feeding shark and kill it with the torpedo.

So the sharks are gone, but the mini sub has lost power. They are sinking, but they’re too deep to swim for it! Miklos has an idea – he gets the inflatable boat and sets it off through the hatch. The mini sub rises to the surface. The three of them wait in the boat for the coast guard to come and get them. Robin is very upset because there is no suntan lotion and the boys used her shirt to attract the shark. She is going to fry!

Another thing I forgot to mention – Dane picked up a key from somewhere – his father, I think – that, in addition to a key he already had, opens up a safety deposit box. Cut to this scene now. Within the safety deposit box is a map of Atlantis. Dane is ecstatic.

Cut to another speech giving scene. The three of them have discovered Atlantis.

Now, we are at Dane’s dad’s marine institute. It is theirs once again! Dane throws the key into the ocean, thanks his father, and the credits roll.

Alright, I definitely had more fun with this movie the second time around. It’s still one of my least favourite shark flicks, but it wasn’t as bad as I remembered.

Trailer here.

My Rating: 1/5 fins

IMDb rating: 3.4/10

Dark Tide


Directed by John Stockwell

In Shark Alley, Courage Runs Deep

What’s this? A new shark movie with an ominous title, actors I’ve actually heard of, and footage of actual real great white sharks that hasn’t been ripped off of the discovery channel? Sign me up!

Two hours later, I was infinitely pleased that I only paid a rental fee for an instant download on iTunes (as opposed to purchasing from some overseas seller on eBay and waiting two or three weeks for it to get to me, or even waiting out the drive home from the video store). What a let down.

Halle Berry is Katie, the shark whisperer! At least, she was the shark whisperer until one of her crew got chomped while free diving with great whites. Now she runs a seal spotting cruise that is overshadowed by all the much cooler shark cruises in the area.


(Here she is ‘whispering’ with a shark – you can see the connection)

Re-enter her (ex? estranged?)husband(?)/ex boyfriend(?) (I didn’t quite figure that out, but I think they were married), Jeff (Oliver Martinez). He’s got an offer from an arrogant Englishman too good to refuse. Take him and his son free diving with great whites for €100,000. Katie doesn’t want to, but Jeff is french and ruggedly handsome, and Brady (the Englishman) is rich and pushy, so she is eventually persuaded.

I think it was about here that we cut to some guys swimming out to the seal island late at night to do something illegal. A little extra abalone diving, maybe? I’m not sure. Anyway, one of them gets attacked by a shark and dragged under, never to be seen again. While this scene didn’t really serve any purpose to the plot (I don’t think it was mentioned again, certainly not in an important way), it was kind of cool. The seals make a sound a lot like a goat, and there are stacks of them. So you’ve got the loud seal noises in the background, with our guy calling out to his mates to wait up and crying out in fear when he feels something touch him, etc; it’s dark, we can’t see the shark, and eventually this guys cries are just cut off when he gets pulled under. I quite liked that scene. I find that the most powerful shark attack scenes in movies are the silent ones (like that chick in Swamp Shark – I felt so bad for her), or the ones where people die from something other than a shark attack. It’s like, ‘after all you’ve been through, you go and drown!’ (see Bait).

Back to the storyline . . . Basically, the next forty minutes or so follows all our main characters on a boat looking images-5for sharks, sometimes swimming with sharks, sometimes swimming with seals, there was a trippy seal attack moment (a glimpse into Katie’s mindset during her first free dive after her friend died?), an awesome shark jump, and some on board tension which leads to some fights, which leads to Katie freaking out and taking everyone to Shark Alley, one of the best known great white hotspots in the world, which subsequently leads (finally!) to some more shark attacks and the end of this bad movie.


I loved the real footage of sharks, and the attack scenes (what little there were) were really good. There was a moment when I actually jumped – it may have been at the beginning – which, believe me, does not happen in many new shark movies. The script was pretty rubbish. There was a fair bit of corny dialogue at the beginning.

Generally, this was pretty boring, but the great white sharks were in it a lot, just swimming around, so if you enjoy simply revering these beautiful creatures, then there’s plenty of that for you (or you could just watch a documentary). Watch it if you’re a die hard of the shark genre.

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxJYmPRIstE

My rating: 1/5 fins

IMDb rating: 4.2/10

Red Water


Released 2003

Directed by Charles Robert Carner

Fear strikes where you least expect it 

It’s always a worry when a shark movie tries to be serious, because nothing will ever be better than Jaws (or even as good as, it would seem). But really, compared to some shark movies, Red Water doesn’t do too bad of a job at it. Especially since it was made for TV.

John used to be a big shot in the oil business (the physical side, that is, as opposed to being a tycoon or something), but after an unfortunate accident he moved to Louisiana and became a fisherman. He’s got his boat and his cajun crew member Emery, but also quite a bit of debt. The bank will take his boat if he doesn’t start making all of his payments on time.

Now we get a little bit of shark action. The bull in question (not a great white, as the cover suggests) appears from beneath an oil rig that’s recently been built on the river, a place called the Black Cove. The shark heads to a popular little section of the river where people are splashing around everywhere close to shore. Two teenage girls race each other to one of those little floating wharf things in the middle of the river. One of the girls feels something touch her and sees a shark fin. She screams for a while and finally starts swimming away. Her friend climbs onto the wharf and tries to pull the girl up as well but she gets yanked under and eaten. There’s also another shark attack – an old man and his grandson are fishing in a little dinghy near the Black Cove. The granddad thinks he’s landing a massive fish (or is a massive fish landing him? Mwahaha!) and is really getting into it when he gets pulled into the water. Queue shark attack and red water (get it? like the title?).


Meanwhile, there is a bad guy subplot setting itself up. You’ve got a crime boss, a gangster played by Coolio and this other guy who spends practically the whole movie in a diving suit (plus a heap of scantily clad women hanging around for no reason other than to look attractive and feed the boss’s pet piranhas). Basically, someone named Jerry stole three million dollars from the boss and he wants diving-suit Brett and gangster Ice to go to Louisiana and find his money. This pic shows Brett, Ice and Jerry.

Back to our hero, John. One day, his ex wife Kelli shows up with her stuffy boss and a great job offer to work on that oil rig upriver. Initially, John says no. But after some wise words from Emery, he agrees to help. They head upriver, encountering a heap of crazed rednecks whooping and shooting Unknown-2into the water. Turns out that the girl who got killed is some rich guy’s daughter, and he is offering ten thousand dollars to whoever brings him the sharks head. The sheriff tells John that he can’t take his boat upriver because it’s been closed due to the shark attacks. John convinces the sheriff to let them go anyway. The shark is swimming amongst all the craziness, heading down river, but he turns around and swims back the way he came (look out, John and co!).

They stop and visit Emery’s family, staying there overnight. They live in huts right on the river. Emery asks an elder about whether they will be safe on their trip. He answers in French and the next morning, Emery relays the chilling things that he heard. Apparently, the Cajun people have a legend that there is a spirit called the Jaws of Death who will protect the Black Cove. Emery says that perhaps the shark is the form that the spirit takes.

When they get to the oil rig, those crime clowns are already diving there, looking for the lost millions. Kelli’s stupid boss is convinced that they are from another oil company. Unfortunately, they sort of monopolise the rest of the movie. The shark is there a lot too, but it’s more of a backdrop to the bad guy drama. Poor John has to keep jumping into the water to rescue people – Emery can’t swim, his ex gets knocked out, his former boss Hank (who works on the oil rig) – he must be exhausted by the end of the movie!

Unknown-1Oh, there was one other shark attack involving newly introduced characters. This woman was yakking on about ending the aggression and restoring serenity to the river when she got taken. A classic set up. Here’s a picture of the bystanders reaction as well.


The acting was mostly really good. Lou Diamond Phillips and Kristy Swanson both did a really good job as John and Kelli. I think that Lou makes a good tough guy/hero type (I really liked him in Psych too, though that’s hardly related!). I liked the character of Emery as well. I would’ve found a way to cut Ice and his buddies. Almost every time Ice is on the screen, there is this ridiculous music playing – I think it’s supposed to make him seem bad.

images-2I was totally surprised by the shark. There was some crappy CGI, yes. But most of the time he was an actual model shark, and a pretty good one at that. I mean, he wasn’t giving me chills or anything, but I liked him. Plus, when his fin was slicing through the water, it was actually going really fast (not like in Blue Demon – what a joke!), giving the appearance that we’re dealing with a man eater here, not a bath toy. I remember the first time I saw Red Water, I was very impressed with the shark death, and I still am. It’s different and it suits the setting.

Shark fans, this is definitely worth a viewing.

Give the trailer a gander here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTSORf2zsvc

My rating: 4/5 fns

IMDb rating: 3.9/10